Saturday, April 13, 2013


Blue bra: April 2013, ~160lbs (110lbs muscle)
Pink bra: January 2011, ~185 lbs (100lbs muscle)
April '13 (160lbs) - Jan '11 (185lbs)
April '13 - Jan '11
April '13 - Jan '11
Top: April '13,  Bottom: Dec '12 

Proud to say I've gone from having no backhandspring to having a clean standing bhs, series jumps to bhs, r/o double, standing tuck and r/o tuck. Working on series jumps to tuck and standing bhs to tuck (my quads are my best friends, can you tell? haha) 

To anyone struggling: your body deserves more. feed it heathy food and push it hard (in moderation of course). Don't starve it and let it break down. You deserve better, you deserve to be beautiful. You only get one body and one life, dont spend it hating yourself or your body. Go out and get strong and beautiful. At one point I NEVER thought I could do this (read this blog and believe it for yourself); but I did. and I still am. 

You will never lose weight by hating and punishing yourself. You have to be positive, be able to get back up when you fall off the wagon or have a shitty day. And that takes self-love and determination.

Say this out loud, right now: I deserve to be as beautiful on the outside as I know I am on the inside. I can do this. 

I deserve to be as beautiful on the outside as I know I am on the inside. I can do this. 
